Try this at home

Inspired by your visit to The Braywood? Why not try this simple, seasonal recipe at home?

You will need ⟶

1kg peeled & diced pumpkin
100g unsalted butter
800ml water
10ml olive oil
50g grated parmesan
Half a teaspoon chopped thyme
Level teaspoon Marmite
Generous pinch salt

  1. On a low heat, melt the butter with the olive oil and add the thyme to infuse into the butter 
  2. Add the pumpkin and salt and turn the heat up to medium. Sweat with no colour.
  3. Add the water and bring to the boil, cooking until soft.
  4. Once the pumpkin is well cooked turn off the heat and stir in the parmesan and Marmite.
  5. Blend until smooth, taste and adjust the seasoning with salt.
  6. Add a splash of sherry vinegar for a little acidity.
  7. Serve and enjoy!

Discoveries ⟶ Make a Fig on the Rocks

Origins ⟶ From drawing board to destination

Origins ⟶ The Braywood + Vicars

A Valentines experience you'll love...

Indulgence awaits. Join us at The Braywood this Valentines Day.