Try this at home
Inspired by your visit to The Braywood? Why not try this simple, seasonal recipe at home?
You will need ⟶
1kg peeled & diced pumpkin
100g unsalted butter
800ml water
10ml olive oil
50g grated parmesan
Half a teaspoon chopped thyme
Level teaspoon Marmite
Generous pinch salt
- On a low heat, melt the butter with the olive oil and add the thyme to infuse into the butter
- Add the pumpkin and salt and turn the heat up to medium. Sweat with no colour.
- Add the water and bring to the boil, cooking until soft.
- Once the pumpkin is well cooked turn off the heat and stir in the parmesan and Marmite.
- Blend until smooth, taste and adjust the seasoning with salt.
- Add a splash of sherry vinegar for a little acidity.
- Serve and enjoy!